
OAN AGM Agenda is Live!

Our 2018 Annual General Meeting Agenda is now available! Starting today, you are free to access our Meeting Agenda and nominee list in our AGM 2018 folder. The rest of the materials will be added before the end of next week. The OAN AGM begins Friday, September 7th at 9:00am and concludes programming on Saturday, September 8th at 3:15pm. We look forward to a fulsome and productive time with all of the Member and Affiliate leaders and their delegates who are able to join us!

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PHA Body Meeting – a history

PHA Body & PHA Summit 2017 The role of the PHA Body is to provide PHA leaders, associated with an OAN Member agency in Ontario, an opportunity to gather and influence the work of the Ontario AIDS Network. The annual meeting, as part of the OAN AGM, also produces a nominee for the OAN Board of Directors when, as this year, there is a vacancy for one of the two At-Large Declared positions. During last year’s OAN Annual General Meeting, several PHA delegates from across Ontario demanded the prioritization and re-establishment of the role of the PHA Body in OAN

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S.O.S. – Open Letter

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is encouraging agencies across the province to sign on to an Open Letter to Ontario Premier and Minister of Health urging support for life-saving Supervised Consumption Services and Overdose Prevention Sites, recently threatened by the Provincial Government. To add your organization’s signature, please fill out the brief form created by The Legal Network by August 23, 2018 at 5 p.m.

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OAN AGM Around the Corner!

July zoomed by and we’re already within a month of our Annual General Meeting! As there are several components to this year’s agenda, including a PHA Body Meeting on Thursday September 6th from 5:30pm – 9:30pm, Ryan Kerr will be contacting all EDs directly by the 24th of August to confirm delegate names and accommodation details. Additionally, the deadline for our Leadership Symposium registration is around the corner. If you are an OAN Member or Affiliate Executive Director or member of HIV Resources Ontario and have not yet registered, please do! Thanks to those of you who have already taken the time to let us know!

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OAN Skills Development Program 2018 – 2019

The Ontario AIDS Network (OAN) offers the Skills Development Program which is an important resource for professional development in the HIV/AIDS sector. The program is intended for OAN member agencies and affiliates (where applicable). In addition to workshops, topic specific webinars may also be provided. The purpose of the program is to build capacity for the day-to-day running of AIDS Service Organizations and to support staff to better serve people infected, affected and at risk of HIV infection. By doing so, we will produce more productive, self-sufficient, professional, cohesive AIDS Service Organizations and Member Groups throughout Ontario. Focus will also

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OAN Website Glow-Up

Nothing like the summer months to take a closer look at some well-intentioned projects! Our website is slowly-but-surely getting some love and attention as we refine the content to make it more user-friendly for our members. Our news section is now updated with content from our newsletters; our calendar of events can now be updated directly by website visitors and we are re-organizing and updating our contact list to keep up with the many changes in our provincial networks. As well, we will be adding an AGM page where will be adding our Agenda and shareable documents for those interested. Is there something you’d like

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Interested in Participating? – PLDI Training

Now accepting applications for upcoming PLDI training sessions! Core Training for First-Time Applicants August 16 – 19 2018 – London, ON Governance Training for Graduates of the PLDI Core September 14 – 16 2018 – Toronto, ON For more information, email tjewal@oan.red or visit https://ontarioaidsnetwork.ca/pldi/.

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PLDI Corner

After a year of planning, Quebec offered its first Core Training of the Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) in Montréal this past March! The process of translating and adapting the program for our francophone participants strengthened the heart and soul of PLDI while adding its own unique flavour.

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View from the Front Lines – OCHART Report

The AIDS and Hepatitis C Programs, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and the Evidence-based Practice Unit of the Ontario HIV Treatment Network has released the 12th annual OCHART (Ontario Community HIV and AIDS Reporting Tool) report The View from the Front Lines! The data and information collected  through OCHART and presented in this report shows: the range of HIV/hepatitis C services provided throughout Ontario; emerging issues and trends about services and client needs; improvements in existing services and new program planning; and how public resources are used. Many thanks to everyone for submitting your OCHART data – our combined efforts make the work

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Not Only the Lonely – GMSH & CBRC Collaboration

The Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance in collaboration with the Community-Based Research Centre for Gay Men’s Health is presenting a free two-part summer webinar series on the topic of loneliness, with guest speaker, Eddy Elmer from the City of Vancouver’s Seniors Advisory Committee: Part 1: Loneliness: Not Always What We Think Wednesday, July 18 from 3pm – 4pm EST Part 2: Loneliness Among Gay Bi Trans & Queer Men Wednesday, August 15 from 3pm – 4pm EST Elmer’s dissertation examines the psychological process linking sexual minority stress and loneliness in older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. For more information on the webinar series, click here. To request

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ACCHO Staff Announcement Valérie Pierre-Pierre

It is with especially mixed emotions that we announce the formal resignation of the ACCHO Director, Valérie Pierre-Pierre. As you may know, Valérie accepted a short-term role at the AIDS Bureau in December 2017 and had planned to return to her role at ACCHO in June 2018. Recently, Valérie submitted her resignation to the ACCHO Executive after accepting a Senior Policy Analyst position on the Hepatitis C team with the AIDS and Hepatitis C Programs. Valérie joined the ACCHO team in January 2010 and during her tenure she provided tremendous leadership that enhanced the operations and significantly expanded the reach

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ARCH is Moving

It’s with great anticipation and pleasure to let you know that on July 1, 2018, we are moving. Our new location is 77 Westmount Rd, Unit 110 Guelph, On N1H 5J1. Please note that all programs and services including the ARCH Clinic, Trans Health Clinic and Anonymous Rapid HIV Testing Clinics will now be at this new office location. During the office closure there will be a two week disruption of service. The office will be closed as phone lines and internet providers move our communication systems. Staff will require additional time to settle in, unpack and prepare to reopen.

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Staffing Announcement ABRPO Program Director

Thomas Egdorf has been hired as the new Program Director, of the AIDS Bereavement and Resiliency Program of Ontario. Thomas brings to his new role at ABRPO/Fife 24 years of experience in the not for profit and the HIV/AIDS sector. Since 2011, Thomas has been a Regional Health Coordinator with CATIE, and he was the Director of PHA Programs with the Ontario AIDS Network. Thomas proven skills and experience in leadership development, peer engagement, adult education and training, will be huge asset to the ABRPO team as we move forward during this time of transition. Thomas’ start date is  June

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HARS ED Announcement

The Board of Directors of HIV/AIDS Regional Services (HARS) announces the retirement of Executive Director John MacTavish and the appointment of longtime staff member Deb Kinder as Interim Executive Director. A search for the permanent Executive Director position will begin shortly. HARS looks forward to continuing to provide comprehensive services including education, prevention, and support for people living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted and blood borne illnesses. HARS will also continue to advocate for broader social change to reduce stigma and discrimination and will work with a diverse range of people and organizations

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Responses to our HIV Questionnaire

We have now received two responses to our Questionnaire sent to Party Leaders on Wednesday, May 23: One response from the Ontario NDP and one from the Liberal Party of Ontario. As the election is on Thursday, we expect these will be the only responses we will receive. Posted, below, are the two letters as well as the original questionnaire. Have a look. To download PDF’s of these letters, click here.  

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Provincial Election Questionnaire

The Ontario AIDS Network is acutely aware of the risks of losing sight of HIV as a priority in Ontario given the potential for changing government priorities. As a result, we have worked with a committee of board members as well as a communications consultant to assemble some key messages for our partner agencies – that HIV is still an issue in Ontario, one that we can overcome with continued provincial support. We have sent each campaigning party leader a letter asking them what their commitment will be to the continuation of Ontario’s provincial strategy Focusing Our Efforts – HIV/AIDS Strategy to

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OAN Election Toolkit Now Available!

Following several consultations with our Election Subcommittee and two teleconferences with our member agencies last week, we are pleased to share our OAN Election Toolkit. In it, you’ll find revised Introduction, Background and Questionnaire documents as well as three info-graphics, a list of example social media posts — even a couple in French! – and a high-quality version of the OAN logo, should you need. We hope that the package we have prepared will be helpful to all of you. As of Wednesday morning at 6am, our News Release was shared through Canada Newswire and picked up by 19 media agencies, with

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HIV Testing Day

The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS), in association with provincial and local organizations, will be launching its first-ever Canada-wide HIV Testing Dayon June 27th, 2018 in 40 communities across Canada. Participants will be tested for HIV and other STBBI using point-of-care testing kits or blood draws. CAS is looking for any Ontario community-based organization interested in holding an HIV Testing Day event in their community to: work with local health authorities to promote the event (with customizable promotional materials provided by CAS) in collaboration with local health authorities or sexual health clinics to provide pre- and post-test counselling to participants where needed. If

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Congratulations to Philip Banks, new GMSH ED

We are pleased to announce that Phillip Banks has been chosen as the new Director of the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH), here at the Ontario AIDS Network (OAN). Phillip is a seasoned leader in the HIV community and is currently the Executive Director of the Peel HIV/AIDS Network (PHAN). In his term at PHAN, Phillip strengthened ties with the community, bringing HIV and specifically Gay Men’s Health to the forefront of the organization. Phillip brings over 25 years of experience in the sector, along with considerable skills, knowledge and expertise to the table. Phillip will step into his new role

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2017 Honour Roll Awards Announcement

The Ontario AIDS Network Board of Directors is pleased to announce and congratulate the 2017 Honour Roll Award Recipients: Adrian Betts and Christian Hui, The Person with HIV/AIDS Leadership Award Anthony Mohamed and Maureen Owino, The Caring Hands Award Richard Elliott and Ryan Peck, Social Justice in HIV/AIDS Award Please join us in celebrating on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ripley’s Aquarium, Toronto. Tickets are $40 which includes full access to the Aquarium, a beverage, hors d’oeuvres and entertainment. There will be discounted ticket pricing if bundles of tickets are purchased as follows:  5 tickets at

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Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) National Coordinator

Position: Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) National CoordinatorLocation: RemoteResponsible to: PLDI Executive Committee (OAN, PAN, COCQ-SIDA Executive Directors) The Positive Leadership Development Institute, PLDI is a three module leadership training program consisting of Core Leadership Training Who am I as a leader?, Bored? Get on Board! (Board governance training) and Communication Skills Training led by and for people living with HIV, was created in 2006. The purpose of this highly-valued series of three- and four-day training programs is to support people living with HIV/AIDS to realize their leadership potential and meaningful participation in community life. In 2009 the Ontario AIDS

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GMSH Announces New Strategic Plan

To our alliance, colleagues and community partners, We are pleased to announce the availability of the GMSH new strategic plan. Entitled “Raising the Bar” this new plan presents the priorities and activities we will pursue over the next 5 years. It is the product of many months of engagement with researchers, community based workers at HIV/AIDS service organizations (ASOs) and gay and bisexual men living with and affected by HIV. In Ontario, cisgender and transgender gay, bisexual, two-spirit, and other men who have sex with men remain disproportionately impacted by the HIV epidemic, with incidence rates remaining high for too long. It is

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Mark Your Calendar! Dates Set for Upcoming Skills Workshops

The following Skills workshop dates have been finalized: Board Chair Workshop, July 14/15, 2017 – We will be allowing 2 people per agency to attend this workshop. Middle Manager Workshop, September 20/21, 2017 Support Workers Workshop, October 25/26, 2017 ED/Board Chair Workshop, January 26/27, 2018 All of the above workshops will be taking place at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, 300 Jarvis Street, Toronto. Please note these workshops are only available to OAN member agencies and affiliates (where applicable). An email will be sent to ASOs with more information closer to the dates. Online registration will also be available closer to

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HIV Resources Ontario Website

HIV Resources Ontario is a collaborative of resource programs and organizations mandated by the AIDS Bureau to build the capacity of the HIV sector in Ontario by delivering trainings, workshops, materials, and organizational development supports. A website was created as an online navigation tool to make materials and resources created by HIV Resources Ontario available to ASOs across Ontario. Be sure to check it out at http://www.hivresourcesontario.ca [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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Another Successful PLDI Level 3 Workshop

On January 20-22, 2017, the Positive Leadership Development Institute held another successful Level 3 – Communications training. Twenty-two participants graduated! For more information on the Positive Leadership Development Institute trainings and to download the workshop applications, visit https://ontarioaidsnetwork.ca/pldi or contact the Manager of PLDI and Special Events, Tara Jewal at tjewal@oan.red

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GMSH Launches New The Sex You Want Campaign

On January 24, 2017, the Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH) officially announced the launch of The Sex You Want, a campaign aimed at getting cisgender and transgender gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men preventing, testing, and treating HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. This campaign is timely with so many ways to have great sex and maintain your health regardless of your HIV status. For more information on The Sex You Want, please visit http://www.thesexyouwant.ca

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Call to Action!

People living with HIV continue to be charged with aggravated sexual assault – one of the most serious offences in Canada’s Criminal Code – even where there is no intent to cause harm, no transmission occurs and the risks of transmission are negligible if not zero. This is a travesty of justice. Despite efforts of the Ontario Working Group on Criminal Law and HIV Exposure (CLHE) to engage in good faith with the Ministry of Attorney General since 2010, unjust prosecutions continue in Ontario, ignoring medical evidence and destroying the lives of people living with HIV. On December 1, 2016,

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Remembering Glen Brown

Early on Friday, January 27, 2017, our dear friend and comrade Glen Wesley Brown passed away after a battle with liver disease. Glen passed away peacefully in the company and care of friends.  Glen had a huge impact on many people in both his personal and professional life. He was a tireless social justice activist, a central figure in the fight against HIV in Canada and a founding member of AIDS Action Now! More recently he became a prominent environmental leader through his work with Greenpeace Canada. In his professional life, Glen helped many social justice organizations communicate better, work

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Ontario Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS Delivers 10-Year HIV/AIDS Strategy

On January 25, 2017, the Ontario Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS (OACHA) delivered a new 10-year HIV/AIDS strategy to Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. The report, entitled HIV/AIDS Strategy to 20126: Focusing Our Efforts: Changing the Course of the HIV Prevention, Engagement and Care Cascade in Ontario, outlines a vision for an Ontario in which new HIV infections are rare and all people living with HIV lead long, health lives. For more information about the strategy, go to: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/hivaids/news/oacha_20170125.aspx To download a pdf copy of the strategy, go to: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/hivaids/oach_strategy.aspx

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2016 Honour Roll Award Recipients

The Ontario AIDS Network Board of Directors is pleased to announce and congratulate the 2016 Honour Roll Award Recipients: Keith Wong, Community Partners Award Christine Leonard, Caring Hands Award Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, Social Justice in HIV/AIDS Award Please join us in celebrating on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Grand Banking Hall at One King West Hotel, Toronto. Tickets are available through Event Brite at http://ontarioaidsnetwork2016honourrollreception.eventbrite.ca or by contacting Tara Jewal at tjewal@oan.red or 416-364-4555 ext. 304. Tickets are $35 and include a beverage, hors d’oeuvres and entertainment. The 2016 Honour Roll is

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2016 Honour Roll Nominations Deadline is August 31, 2016

The Ontario AIDS Network Honour Roll was established in 1996 by the Board of Directors of the Ontario AIDS Network (OAN). In the past 21 years the Honour Roll has recognized 113 outstanding individuals and organizations for their contributions as volunteers or staff. It has become one of Ontario’s most prestigious awards within the HIV/AIDS movement. The deadline of August 31, 2016 for the 2016 Honour Roll Nominations is fast approaching! If you know someone who you think deserves to be nominated then now is the time to get your nomination in. Download the nomination package here.

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Mourning the loss of a community member

Dear Friends, We are saddened by the news that Marisol Desbiens passed away on May 18, 2016. Marisol worked with the OAN for a brief time from January to March, 2009 as a Program Assistant with the PHA Leadership Program (now PLDI). She was also a co-investigator and research assistant for the 2010 PLDI Positive Change Makers booklet. Marisol was a Peer Research Associate and volunteer with the Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS). She had been working in the HIV community for the past 8 years. She also volunteered at PWA in the Speaker’s Bureau

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Federated Health Charities Kick Off Annual Charitable Giving Campaign

Federated Health Charities Corporation kicked off its 2016 Annual Campaign today with a goal to raise a record amount of funds for up to 16 Canadian health charities.  The campaign will run through to July involving members of the OPS to pledge funds through payroll deductions, donations and special events. Federated Health Charities Corporation is a coalition of provincially-based charities in Ontario that began in 1983 and is dedicated to raising funds for its members within the Ontario Public Service that will support health education and awareness, medical research, and client and patient services.

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Board Members: Nominations for OAN Elections Now Open

Please find below the list of OAN regular member agencies according to region as well as nomination forms for the seats up for election this year.  It’s always nice to know who is in your region when discussing potential board nominations, as each regional caucus will have the responsibility to endorse candidates for election at the AGM.  Anyone who is a voting representative or non-voting participant appointed by Regular Members in good standing of the Ontario AIDS Network is eligible to apply or be nominated.  The “Designated” seats are open to those people who are living with HIV and are comfortable

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2015 Honour Roll – 20th Anniversary

The Ontario AIDS Network (OAN) is very excited to celebrate – for the twentieth year – the pioneering work of individuals in developing the capacity of the community-based AIDS movement in Ontario and in improving lives of those impacted by the disease and the epidemic. Please join us Wednesday, November 25, 2015 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. One King West Hotel, Grand Banking Hall Please download and share the Save the Date flyer here.

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NDP Responds – Federal Election 2015

The OAN sent out questions to the top three parties of the Canadian Federal Election regarding HIV issues. Of the three parties, only the NDP responded. You can download their reply here, or read below. Bruce Rankin, Co-Chair Precious Maseko, Co-Chair Ontario AIDS Network 296 Jarvis Street, Unit 5 Toronto, ON M5B 2C5 c/o Paul Lapierre, Executive Director ed@ontarioaidsnetwork.on.ca   Dear Co-Chairs Maseko and Rankin, Thank you for your letter of September 14, 2015 regarding the future of Canada’s HIV/AIDS Strategy. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our position on key aspects of this important issue. The New Democratic Party’s

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You’re Invited to PASAN’s AGM

When: October 27th 2015 Where: The 519 Community Centre, 1st floor (519 Church Street) 6:30pm-9pm Come for snacks, meet some great people, network and hear what’s been happening at PASAN For more information call 416-920-9567 or toll free @ 1-866-224-9978 Download and Share the flyer here

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CATIE’s need assessment for people living with HIV

Living with HIV? What information do you need? CATIE is Canada’s source for up-to-date, unbiased information about HIV and hepatitis C. CATIE is reaching out to people living with HIV to find out what kinds of information they need and how well CATIE is doing at meeting these needs. Start the survey now If you are living with HIV, please take a few minutes and answer the questions in an anonymous online survey. The information you provide will be used to improve CATIE’s print and online publications for you and other people living with HIV across Canada. — Vous vivez

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New Resource on HIV and Smoking

Ontario HIV agencies, Toronto Public Health and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health have created a new website about HIV and smoking. PositiveQuitting.ca features videos, first-person stories, and links to helplines, apps, and online support groups. If you’re a smoker and living with HIV, check out the site to learn more.

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Federal Election 2015 – HIV Issues

Backgrounder A) The need for a federal response to HIV/AIDS is as crucial as ever. Consider: • The number of people living with HIV/AIDS continues to grow. In Ontario, 32,547 persons (26,378 males, 4,941 females and 1,228 of unknown sex) were diagnosed with HIV infection from November 1985 to December 2011. An estimated 67% of people living with HIV in Ontario know their HIV status. That means that 33% of people who have HIV do not know it. It is estimated that there are currently 27,420 people living with HIV in Ontario. • Although transmission rates of HIV in Ontario

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Paul Lapierre, New OAN Executive Director

The Board of Directors of the Ontario AIDS Network (OAN) is pleased to announce that Paul Lapierre has been selected as the new Executive Director (ED). The selection was made after an extensive search and recruitment process, which was managed by the executive recruitment firm Crawford Connect. “We are pleased to announce Paul’s appointment,” reported Board Co-Chair Stacey Mayhall. “Paul has 10 years of experience in the HIV sector in Ontario and nationally. He will bring his dynamic leadership and passion for the HIV sector to the OAN at this critical time.” Paul Lapierre is a dynamic bilingual executive who

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The OAN is pleased to announce that nomination forms are ready for the 2015 Honour Roll

This year the Honour Roll Banquet will be held on November 25, 2015 at Hart House (harthouse.ca) The Honour Roll acknowledges the long-term and consistent contributions of individuals or organizations that use their experiences, skills, resources and voices to champion the cause of HIV/AIDS. Recipients will have contributed to reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, promoted the empowerment of People Living with HIV/AIDS, and extended the capacity of the community movement as a major response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ontario. The Honour Roll is divided into four awards; inducting one nominee annually, for the following categories: The Person with

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Announcing New PASAN Executive Director

The Board of Directors of PASAN is pleased to announce the appointment of Janet Rowe as Executive Director. She will start on July 6th, 2015. Janet is a seasoned leader with over 13 years in senior management positions in not-for-profit agencies, and over 15 years working in the HIV/AIDS sector. She was Executive Director of Voices of Positive Women from 2001 to 2005, Coordinator of the Women’s Community Development program at the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT). More recently she was the Director of Programs and Community Services at the 519 Church Street Community Centre, from 2005 to 2013. “We’re

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In Memoriam – Penelope Holeton

PENELOPE MARGARET HOLETON (nee RATHBONE)December 20, 1941 – May 8, 2015 It is with sadness that we mourn the death of Penelope Holeton, a recipient of the 1999 Ontario AIDS Network Honour Roll and 2002 Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal from the HIV/AIDS sector.  Penelope spent her lifetime dedicated to support and care for others, culminating in the founding of The Teresa Group, Canada’s first community-based charitable organization specifically serving children affected by HIV and AIDS and their families. Committed to making a difference, Penelope was a dedicated volunteer to multiple organizations, a pillar within the Anglican community, an

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Nominations for OAN Elections Now Open

Nominations for OAN Elections are now currently open. Please find below the nomination forms for the seats up for election this year, as well as the list of OAN regular member agencies according to region. It’s always nice to know who is in your region when discussing potential board nominations, as each regional caucus will have the responsibility to endorse candidates for election at the AGM. Anyone who is a voting representative or non-voting participant appointed by Regular Members in good standing of the Ontario AIDS Network is eligible to apply or be nominated. The “Designated” seats are open to

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World AIDS Day 2014

December 1st, World AIDS Day, Monday evening at St. Peter’s Church on Carlton Street in Toronto the OAN is partnering with the Anglican Archdiocese of Greater Toronto to create a service that invites all of us to “Be Part of the Light, Fight HIV stigma.” Three HIV positive speakers will share their own powerful stories of resilience in fighting HIV Stigma. National Aboriginal Bishop Mark L. MacDonald is guest speaker, a smudging ceremony and drumming will be part of the service. Participants will be invited to light candles of remembrance for those lost to AIDS and of resilience for those

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In Memoriam of Robert Remis

It is with sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Robert Remis, former head of the Ontario HIV Epidemiologic Monitoring Unit. Dr. Remis died on Thursday, September 25, 2014. Dr. Remis was appointed as head of the unit in 1996 when it was established as a joint undertaking of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the University of Toronto.

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Congratulations to Ron Rosenes, recipient of the Order of Canada

The Ontario AIDS Network is very pleased to congratulate Ron Rosenes, long-time volunteer, HIV activist and advocate, on being among the 86 new appointments to the Order of Canada. Ron has been public about his HIV status for more than 25 years and as a volunteer, he has contributed immensely to our work in Ontario, and in work across Canada and internationally.In 1987, Ron was formally diagnosed with HIV. At a time when AIDS was greatly feared, Ron soon became a public spokesperson for access to treatment. Our work in Ontario has benefitted immensely from Ron’s intellect, energy and passion.

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Slate of Candidates for Upcoming OAN Election

In accordance with OAN By-Law #3, Section 6.04(a)(v) which states: At least 60 days prior to the annual Members’ meeting, the Governance Committee shall send to the Members a list of the candidates duly nominated and vetted by the Governance Committee. Below is the list of candidates that have put forward nominations for the seats up for election: At-Large Non-Designated Seat – Richard Hubley Central Non-Designated Seat – Joanne Lindsay Western Designated Seat – Les Bowman Eastern Designated Seat – Nominations will be accepted from the floor; nomination forms will be provided at the meeting By-Law #3, section 6.04(e) Nominations

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Election Message from the OAN Governance Committee

Below is a list of OAN regular member agencies according to region as well as nomination forms for the seats up for election this year.  It’s always nice to know who is in your region when discussing potential board nominations, as each regional caucus will have the responsibility to endorse candidates for election at the AGM.  Anyone who is a voting representative or non-voting participant appointed by Regular Members in good standing of the Ontario AIDS Network is eligible to apply or be nominated.  The “Designated” seats are open to those people who are living with HIV and are comfortable

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Learn About The Ontario Accord

We acknowledge that Greater involvement of people with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) is never achieved once and for all; it is a goal and commitment that must be continually renewed. GIPA is a practice, not a project, and is similar to all other accountabilities of healthy HIV organizing and service delivery. Our practices in AIDS service organizations (ASOs) must be continually re-evaluated in light of the changing realities of HIV/AIDS and of those living with it. To learn more about the Ontario Accord, click here.

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Reporting back from the 2013 Honour Roll Award Reception

On November 26, The Ontario AIDS Network was pleased to host the 2013 Honour Roll Reception at the University of Toronto’s Hart House. The Ontario AIDS Network presented the following Honour Roll Awards: Social Justice in HIV/AIDS Award was presented to the Prisoners with AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN) The Person with HIV/AIDS Leadership Award was presented to Henry Luyombya The Community Partners Award was presented to Fanta Ongoiba Over 125 guests attended the reception, joining us in celebration of the achievements of the Honour Roll Awards recipients. Entertainment included African Drummers Amara Kante drummers who energized the room with

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The Shaun Proulx Show: World AIDS Day 2013

Following his first-time public disclosure on CBC radio that he was diagnosed HIV-positive in 2005, media personality Shaun Proulx begins a #ThoughtRevolution about the way we treat ourselves and one another simply for being human. Travelling to Truro, Nova Scotia, Shaun introduces us to a man who was diagnosed HIV-positive in the 1980’s – while he was married, with children. A conversation about resilience, hope, empowerment and joy – no matter what.

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The Anglican Diocese of Toronto invites you to attend a World AIDS Day Vigil service

The Anglican Diocese of Toronto invites you to attend a World AIDS Day Vigil service Sunday December 1, 2013 – 3:00 pm Saint Peter’s Anglican Church 188 Carlton Street (east of Sherbourne on Carlton) www.stpetercarlton.ca Guest Speaker: Yvette Perreault Director, AIDS Bereavement and Resiliency Project of Ontario Sponsored by the parish of St. Peter’s Anglican Church and the Diocese of Toronto HIV&AIDS Network. For information contact 416-363-6021 ext 236 or dgraydon@toronto.anglican.ca 

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The OAN is proud to release “NOW WHAT? The Possibilities of Disclosure – A Guide by HIV Positive People for AIDS Service Organizations and Their Allies”

The OAN is proud to release “NOW WHAT? The Possibilities of Disclosure  – A Guide by HIV Positive People for AIDS Service Organizations and Their Allies“ What This Guide Is About This is a guidebook about the many aspects of healthy disclosure and non‐disclosure of HIV status by people with HIV/AIDS. The guide was created by people with HIV/AIDS to help AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) in supporting people with HIV/AIDS who are wondering about disclosure: Why? To whom? When? How? The guidebook is rooted in the lived experience of PHAs. It grew from a desire by PHAs to create a perspective

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PLDI is proud to release “NOW WHAT? The Possibilities of Disclosure – A Guide by HIV Positive People for AIDS Service Organizations and Their Allies”

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”center” text_font_size=”14″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] OAN.red is proud to release [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row”][et_pb_column type=”1_2″][et_pb_cta admin_label=”Call To Action” title=”NOW WHAT? The Possibilities of Disclosure ” button_url=”/docs/OAN-Approved-Sept.-30-2013.pdf” url_new_window=”on” button_text=”Download” use_background_color=”on” background_color=”#ffffff” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” header_font_size=”26″ body_font_size=”14″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” custom_button=”off” button_text_size=”20″ button_border_width=”2″ button_border_radius=”0″ button_letter_spacing=”2″ button_use_icon=”default” button_icon_placement=”right” button_on_hover=”on” button_border_radius_hover=”3″ button_letter_spacing_hover=”0″] “A Guide by HIV Positive People for AIDS Service Organizations and Their Allies“ [/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_2″][et_pb_image admin_label=”Image” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Screen-shot-2013-10-08-at-9.05.09-AM-300×271.png” show_in_lightbox=”off” url_new_window=”off” animation=”left” sticky=”off” align=”left” force_fullwidth=”off” always_center_on_mobile=”on” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” /][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” text_font_size=”14″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] What This Guide Is About This is a guidebook about the many

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Job posting for Positive Leadership Development Institute™ Facilitator Part time (Occasional)

Job Description – Positive Leadership Development Institute™ Facilitator Part time (Occasional) The Positive Leadership Development Institute™ (PLDI™) exists with the purpose of supporting people who are living with HIV/AIDS to realize their leadership potential and increase their capacity to participate meaningfully in community life.  The Positive Leadership Development Institute™ is a program of the Ontario AIDS Network (OAN).

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The OAN Board of Directors is pleased to announce that The Prisoners HIV/AIDS Support Action Network has been selected to receive The 2013 Social Justice in HIV/AIDS Award

The OAN Board of Directors is pleased to announce that The Prisoners HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN) has been selected to receive The 2013 Social Justice in HIV/AIDS Award. This award will be presented at the 2013 Honour Roll Awards Ceremony on November 26, 2013. PASAN (The Prisoners HIV/AIDS Support Action Network) is a community-based network of prisoners, ex-prisoners, organizations, activists and individuals working together to provide advocacy, education, and support to prisoners on HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and related issues. PASAN formed in 1991 as a grassroots response to the AIDS crisis in the Canadian prison system. Former prisoners are

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The OAN is pleased to announce that nominations forms are ready for the 2013 Honour Roll

This year the Honour Roll Banquet will be held on November 26, 2013 at Hart House (harthouse.ca/) The Honour Roll acknowledges the long-term and consistent contributions of individuals or organizations that use their experiences, skills, resources and voices to champion the cause of HIV/AIDS. Recipients will have contributed to reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, promoted the empowerment of People Living with HIV/AIDS, and extended the capacity of the community movement as a major response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ontario. The Honour Roll is divided into four awards; inducting one nominee annually, for the following categories: The Person with

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An update on our offices…

As many of you know, the OAN offices suffered significant smoke damage and some water damage as a result of a fire that occurred on the floor above our offices duirng the May long weekend. We have been getting our office back together and are now able to receive emails, phone calls and to process payments. We have set up in temporary space located at 296 Jarvis Street, Unit #5, Toronto M5B 2C5. This is a small space that is not appropriate for meetings, so if you would like to meet with us please call in advance so that we

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An update from the OAN office.

The OAN has been adversely affected by smoke and water damage to our offices resulting from a fire in our building on the floor directly above us. Our offices remain closed and we are without telephone or internet connections. We apologize for the inconvenience and are actively working on restoring communications. Late yesterday afternoon we were advised that our wing of the building must undergo a complete renovation and it will be necessary for us to vacate the premises for an extended period of time. We are working with our insurance adjuster and realtor to secure an alternate location for

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Our New Website Has Launched!

We are pleased to announce that our new website has officially launched. We believe that a great website is never truly finished. Our new website will become the launching point for many exciting new projects we will be rolling out in both the near and distant future. Some of our planned projects include, a private area for our Alumni participants to access the disclosure guide, and of course all of our upcoming workshop dates.

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Mourning the loss of our friend, Ken Buchanan

The Ontario AIDS Network, together with our partner organization, the Pacific AIDS Network is mourning the death of Ken Buchanan. Ken was a friend, mentor, and leader of many in the HIV /AIDS movement. Ken died of cancer in Vancouver on April 15th.  He had been HIV-positive since 2004 and was co-infected with hepatitis C. Ken made numerous and lasting contributions to the HIV/AIDS movement. He served for 7 years on the Executive of the Board of Directors of Positive Living BC, until he resigned in October 2012 due to health related concerns. He also served on the Board of Directors

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Election Message from OAN Governance Committee

Below are links to the list of OAN voting member agencies according to region as well as nomination forms for the seats up for election this year. It’s always nice to know who is in your region when discussing potential board nominations, as each regional caucus will have the responsibility to endorse candidates for election at the AGM. There is an At Large Designated seat vacant this year, so there is potential for all regional caucuses to put a PHA name forth from their region. The “Designated” seats are open to those people who are living with HIV and are

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Ontario AIDS Network Honour Roll 2012

The Honour Roll acknowledges the long-term and consistent contributions of individuals or organizations that use their experiences, skills, resources and voices to champion the cause of HIV/AIDS. Recipients will have contributed to reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, promoted the empowerment of People Living with HIV/AIDS, and extended the capacity of the community movement as a major response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ontario. The Honour Roll is divided into four awards; inducting one nominee annually, for the following categories: The Person with HIV/AIDS Leadership Award The Caregivers Award The Community Partners Award The Award for Social Justice

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Mourning the loss of our friend John Plater

John Plater, June 1, 1967 – July 28, 2012 It is with great sadness that we advise you of the death of John Plater on Saturday, July 28, 2012. John was a valiant champion in our fight against HIV/AIDS, HEP C, Co- infection and Hemophilia. He was 45. John was a lawyer by training and an activist by nature. He was open about his HIV positive status since the mid 1980s. For more than 25 years John provided dedicated and valiant leadership to improve the health of all of us. With his quiet determination and legal training, John opened many

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2012, the Year of GIPA in Ontario

To demonstrate our collective commitment to GIPA the principle of the “Greater Involvement of People with HIV/AIDS” the Ontario AIDS Network is partnering with people and organizations to recognize 2012 as the year of GIPA.Guiding our work is the newly proclaimed Ontario Accord on GIPA/MIPA which states, “We, people living with HIV/AIDS and allies in the community: Commit to the greater involvement and meaningful engagement of people living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA/MIPA); GIPA/MIPA puts PHAs at the centre and is grounded in human rights and the dignity of the full human being Aim to transform all who live with, work in,

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Mourning the loss of Patrick Truong

It is with great sadness that we advise you of the death of a beloved friend and member of our community, Patrick Truong. We are joining together with Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS) in mourning his loss and in honouring his life.  Patrick was respected by his many colleagues and friends in the AIDS movement. He lived with the challenges of HIV for 26 years and was one of the first members of the Asian community to be public about his status. Patrick was an advocate and caregiver who lived his life with kindness, courage, determination and generosity. In 2010 in

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The Ontario Accord

The Ontario AIDS Network has proclaimed 2012 as the year of the “Ontario Accord” on the Greater and More Meaningful involvement of People with HIV/AIDS in Ontario.  GIPA, the greater involvement of people with HIV/AIDS, has been a guiding principle of the HIV/AIDS movement for almost three decades. The Ontario Accord was created on July 29, 2011. It is one of the outcomes of the “Living and Serving 3” project, a series of consultations among HIV positive people and AIDS Service Organizations in Ontario. Organizations that have formally endorsed the Ontario Accord and have created a GIPA action plan for 2012

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Every Day is a Fight for Life

The Ontario AIDS Network is very concerned about Canada’s commitment to fighting AIDS at home and internationally. The Federal Initiative on HIV/AIDS provides $72.6 million in funding annually to Canada’s domestic and foreign response to HIV/AIDS. Included in this envelope of funding is the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Regional AIDS Community Action Program (ACAP), which provides $13.3 million worth of funding to community-based AIDS service organizations across Canada each year. These are the funding dollars within the Federal Initiative that are dedicated to supporting the ongoing work of HIV prevention, education and support on the front lines in your

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Jack Layton 1950-2011

Federal NDP leader Jack Layton died this morning (August 22, 2011) at his home in Toronto. It is with a profound sense of loss, that we join Canadians across the country who are mourning the death of the Honourable Jack Layton, the leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada. Mr. Layton was an ardent champion of gay and lesbian rights and a leading advocate who ensured that HIV/AIDS issues were a priority on the municipal agenda in Toronto and in Canada’s parliament. We will miss his leadership, his passion, his commitment to social justice and his humour.  View Mr.

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Skin ‘cast’ helps wounds heal with minimal scarring

If you break your arm, you will probably get a cast to hold the bone in place while it heals. Now there is a similar device for your skin: a bandage that prevents injured skin from deforming as it heals, dramatically reducing scarring. Geoffrey Gurtner at Stanford University in California and colleagues say their invention works by immobilising the wound and the surrounding area, shielding it from the stress of everyday activity. “From the wound’s point of view, healing is sort of like trying to build a bridge while someone is driving trucks over it,” saysReinhold Dauskardt, who is also at

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Antiviral drugs stop HIV spreading to sexual partners

In a decisive breakthrough against the spread of HIV, an international study has demonstrated conclusively that antiretroviral therapy blocks the spread of HIV from an infected person to their uninfected partner. The study, which was halted early because the results were so compelling, covered 13 countries and involved 1763 “discordant” couples, in which one partner carried the infection at the outset. In 886 of the couples, the infected partner received antiretroviral drug therapy (ART) straight away, while treatment was delayed in the other 877 couples until the infected partner showed pre-defined signs of sickness. Preliminary results, announced yesterday by the US

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Vaccine protects against monkey version of HIV

For the first time, a vaccine has completely protected monkeys against infection with SIV, a virus related to HIV that infects the animals. Out of 24 immunised rhesus macaques, 12 had long-term protection, with no signs of SIV a year after they were deliberately infected with the virus. “In half the monkeys, we saw a dramatic effect on control of the virus,” says Wayne Koff, the scientific director at the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, which collaborated in the trial. “We see it as a significant advance.” What made this vaccine different was the use of a live but relatively harmless virus

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