Living Serving
Living and Serving 3 is a GIPA project hosted by the Ontario AIDS Network

Download Living & Serving 3
We hope that you will find this guide and engagement framework helpful in reaffirming your commitment to GIPA in principle and in practice.
Click to DownloadWelcome to Living and Serving 3, a GIPA wise practices guide and engagement framework for AIDS service organizations. It has been 17 years since the Paris Declaration stated the fundamental rights of people with HIV to self-determination and their centrality in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. Today, in 2011, GIPA, the greater involvement of people with HIV/AIDS, remains a core principle and challenge for AIDS service organizations (ASOs) and other organizations serving people with HIV/AIDS. GIPA is always a work in progress — a continual process of renewing our commitment and ensuring that our practices at all levels of our organizations ensure the engagement, investment and participation of people with HIV/AIDS.
Download this document which builds on the work done by the Ontario AIDS Network (OAN) and the Ontario HIV Treatment Network in supporting Living and Serving II, a ten-year progress report on GIPA in Ontario ASOs published in 2007. Living and Serving II was the outcome of research conducted by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network and led by Dr. Roy Cain and Dr. Evan Collins. It built on the pioneering work of Dr. Charles Roy, the author of Living and Serving (1995).
This guide and framework document also builds on OAN’s commitment to GIPA through the Positive Leadership Development Institute. Although this document focuses on AIDS service organizations in Ontario, we acknowledge that this is only part of the picture of the reality of persons with HIV/AIDS today and that much additional work needs to be done.
We hope that you will find this guide and engagement framework helpful in reaffirming your commitment to GIPA in principle and in practice.