
OAN 2021 World AIDS Day Podcast

Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week and World AIDS Day are an opportunity to unite in our efforts to end new HIV transmissions and support people living with HIV and AIDS.  The UNAIDS theme of this year’s World AIDS Day is “End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics”. Through this theme, the UN underscores the urgent need to end the inequalities that drive HIV and AIDS and other pandemics in Ontario and beyond.  To commemorate Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week and World AIDS Day, the OAN is releasing a podcast episode that looks at the work of the past year, renewing our commitments to an equitable and

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Introducing Positive News

The Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) is proud to announce the launch of an anti-stigma campaign called The Positive News. (When you go to the website, try reloading the page to see different landing screens with unique animations.) The Positive News is a fresh approach to bringing OHTN’s HIV prevention and treatment message to a general audience. The campaign’s first phase comprises five visually stunning, easy-to-understand videos hosted by Muluba Habanyama covering the following themes: HIV management and serodiscordant couples Undetectable = Untransmittable Getting PrEP in Ontario HIV testing options in Ontario HIV self-testing (including the Get a Kit project) At the heart of The Positive

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Join Us in Celebrating 15 Years of PLDI Success!

On December 8, graduates from across Canada, and in Australia and New Zealand will gather online to celebrate 15 years of the Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI). During this milestone celebration event, attendees will come together to honour the PLDI’s past, present and future, and to present PLDI Leadership Awards to program facilitators and graduates from Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. This celebration will also give attendees a chance to share their experiences, send a message to a new graduate, and to provide feedback that helps us shape the PLDI of the future.  We look forward to seeing you. The

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Webinar Series on HIV and Aging

Please join Gilead for a series of interactive discussions on HIV and aging. Each week, Canadian expert panelists and community moderators will provide up-to-date scientific information on different aspects of the topic.  SESSION 1: Men, HIV, & AgeingFriday, November 19th, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM ETModerator: Ron RosenesSpeaker: Dr. Julian Falutz SESSION 2: Ageing Well with HIVFriday, November 26th, 12:00 PM–1:30 PM ETSpeakers: Dr. Kelly O’Brien and Dr. Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco You can register for as many sessions as you would like!  Please note that registration information is strictly confidential and will only be used to send the webinar link prior to

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GIPA/MEPA Focus Group: A Huge Thank You!

In the past couple of weeks, the OAN’s Advisory Committee of People Living with HIV has been working with our members and Ontario’s community of people living with HIV to update the Ontario Accord and renew our sector’s commitment to GIPA/MEPA.  We reached out to people living with HIV, volunteers, OAN member/affiliate staff to participate in focus groups to guide the renewal of the Accord and more than 150 participants registered. A big thank you to all those who registered and/or shared information about our focus groups for the renewal of our commitment to the principles and practice of GIPA/MEPA. We had an overwhelming response and

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Building Resilience: Proactive Responses to Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

The AIDS Bereavement & Resiliency Program of Ontario, Casey House, & the Ontario AIDS Network present: Building Resilience: Proactive Responses to Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout for Frontline Staff and Educators Thursday November 18 or December 9, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. This educational event is created for frontline healthcare, harm reduction, support service providers, and educators working with People living with, at risk for, & affected by HIV and People who use drugs. This highly interactive workshop will introduce practical strategies to enhance personal and organizational resilience. Facilitated by Graham Vardy, Steven Hughes and Steve Hall,

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FINAL REMINDER! PLDI Online Core Training

Registration for the Positive Leadership Development Institute‘s Online Core Training is open until October 25th, 2021. The Online Core Training sessions are Wednesday, November 10, 17, & 24th, 2021 Successful applicants will participate in our November Online Core Training. This training is offered at no cost to participants. NOTE: This training is not open to those who have already taken PLDI Core Training. The Online Core Training is:   A dynamic online adaption of our in-person Core Training for new participants.  A mix of instructor-driven sessions through Zoom and self-paced/directed sessions offered through Brightspace. A mix of three weekly three hours facilitated and

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Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization: Consultation Survey

On August 23rd, 2021, the Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization (CCRHC) launched a community consultation regarding proposed Criminal Code reforms to limit HIV criminalization. To inform the next phase of our advocacy, the CCRHC has launched a cross-Canada survey about those options with people living with HIV, people working in the HIV response, legal and human rights experts, and activists. Now, the CCRHC wants your input. This survey will be available between August 23 – October 22, 2021.  We encourage you to read this Background Document before completing the survey.  About this work The CCRHC has previously called for changes to the federal Criminal Code that would limit HIV criminalization. This call

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National Women and HIV Workshop Series – CHIWOS

In honour of 10 years of research and advocacy, CHIWOS is hosting the National Women and HIV Virtual Workshop Series to engage and expand the knowledge-sharing network, invite discussion, identify gaps, and develop goal statements and collective actions that will improve the health, healthcare, and well-being of women living with HIV in Canada.  There are four workshops in this series that will take place on Zoom over five weeks in November and December 2021.  This workshop series will highlight the diversity of voices, histories, and leadership of women living with HIV across Canada. The workshop series will be simultaneously available in English and French.  Information

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