
Ending Unjust Prosecutions

In addition to the U=U Consensus Statement endorsement by the Government of Canada on December 1, 2018, the Government of Canada also announced a new directive to help limit unjust prosecutions against people living with HIV in Canada. Given the complicated legal structures in Canada, this blanket statement will affect each province differently. The directive, which will take effect on Saturday, December 8, 2018, governs federal prosecutors who handle criminal prosecutions in the three territories in Canada. It does not apply to prosecutions taking place in Ontario or other provinces. In response, the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) has created a new

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OAN Support Workers Workshop

The OAN Support Workers Workshop, interwoven with the OHTN’s Endgame Research Conference, is fast approaching.  Please reach out to me if you have registered but have not yet heard from either Ryan Kerr from the OAN or from a staff person at the OHTN. We are looking forward to hosting you December 6th and 7th!

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OAN trees are going fast!

Hurry! Demand is high and the trees are going fast.  If you are interested in a tree, email Tara tjewal@oan.red and let her know. For those of you who requested more than one tree, we will do our best to accommodate you. (Photos and mini-lights not included!)

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Lights! Camera! The Sex You Want!

The GMSH has created a new video on HIV Treatment for The Sex You Want website!  The video touches on the importance of connecting to care and accessing HIV treatment that works for you in a fun, snappy snippet. It’s specific to Ontario and hot off the press. Have a look!

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The Ladder is True

The Ontario Substance Use Training Program (OHSUTP) is pleased to announce its latest evolution: the Ontario Harm Reduction Network (OHRN)! This update also better reflects the mandate of the organization: striving to better meet the needs of those working in Harm Reduction throughout Ontario.  OHRN will focus on continued development and strengthening of its provincial network of over 80 frontline Harm Reduction workers to ensure a robust provincial response to the needs of people who use drugs. All the while maintaining a core vision of treating people who use drugs with dignity and respect, free of judgement and offering effective care and support when accessing

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Congrats, Mikiki!

OAN Member organization HALCO has announced this year’s recipient of the 2018 James Kreppner Award: Mikiki!  Described by numerous nominators as a “tireless community builder” who plays so many roles for so many people, Mikiki is a committed activist, advocate, organizer and artist whose broad range of work and volunteer activity includes social justice and issues related to: HIV, including stigma and criminalization queer and trans health gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men policing of sex work. For more information about Mikiki or the history of this honour, visit HALCO’s website. Congratulations, Mikiki!

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We’re Hiring!

The Ontario AIDS Network is looking for our next Executive Director! Are you a transformational leader and strategic influencer who has a strong commitment to social justice and the passion and skills to lead the OAN at a pivotal time in Ontario’s HIV response? Do you have the ability to think critically and creatively? If yes, throw your hat in the ring! All applicants must apply using our online portal, by clicking here. Hurry! Application deadline is Monday, November 19th, 2018.

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