
Call for World AIDS Day Activities

The OAN will dedicate its next Newsletter to promoting World AIDS Day (WAD) events in Ontario. This is an important moment for the OAN and our members to reflect on the invaluable contributions we make in preserving health, creating community and fighting stigma. If you would like your event posted in our November 22nd newsletter, please provide a paragraph of no more than 4 sentences and any associated graphic you would like posted. Kindly send these to Hope at hramsay@oan.red by Wednesday, November 20th at 5pm.

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Are we all on the same page about when a person who is at high risk should get an HIV test? There are new HIV testing recommendations in our province for persons who are at higher risk for contracting the virus. It’s recommended that after a high risk exposure, a first test should be done three (3) weeks after that exposure. At that point the P24 (P24 is a protein on the surface of the HIV virus) antigen test can detect parts of the virus in the blood. There is also some evidence that tells us that point of care tests

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Anti-Stigma Campaign Awareness Launch

The AIDS Committee of Windsor (ACW), the Windsor Essex Community Opioid Substance Strategy, neighbourhood community groups, and the voices of people impacted by substance use are introducing a new travelling community display to officially launch the “Label Me Person” Anti-Stigma Awareness Campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to increase awareness about the opioid crisis through personal narratives of people impacted by substance use. The campaign and display will also provide opportunities for the community to participate in 24 educational workshops addressing topics of harm reduction, opioids and naloxone, and consumption and treatment services. The campaign will look to engage

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Red Scarf Benefit Concert for RHAC

Regional HIV/AIDS Connection’s (RHAC) annual Red Scarf benefit concert celebrates its fourth year proudly featuring bülow! Join RHAC on Friday, November 22, 2019 for a night louder than stigma as they celebrate, honour and remember those living with, affected by and at-risk for HIV/AIDS in their region. Visit redscarf.ca for tickets and information on their Red Scarf ‘pop-ups’ and support them in raising awareness and ending stigma!

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2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion Leadership Dialogue

Moyo Health and Community Services and the 2SLGBTQ+ Collaborative of Peel Region would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the Adjust Your Lens 2019 Forum on Monday, November 4, 2019 at William Osler Health System – Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness, Brampton. Communities and organizations have been collaborating in Peel to stand up for marginalized communities and provide leadership on many social justice issues. In 2017, the 2SLGBTQ+ Collaborative of Peel was formed to address the non-profit sectoral gaps in order to improve inclusion in workplaces and encourage compassionate service provision. Adjust Your Lens Forum is

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Slay Stigma Tour Update From Randy

We’ve asked OAN Board member and Gilbert Centre staff Randy Davis for an update on the Ontario leg of the Slay Stigma Tour. “Never eat shredded wheat? Never eat salty worms? Never ever soggy waffles? Whatever mnemonic device you use for North, East, South and West summarizes the Ontario leg of the POZitivity Campaign’s Slay Stigma Canadian Drag Tour. From getting snowed out of the stop in Sudbury after a Winnipeg storm, this group of six (Trinity, Randy, Garry, Alanna, Jordan & Ken) still managed to fit in 8 Ontario shows as part of the cross country anti-stigma tour. Starting

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Get Out And Vote!

Make sure your voice is heard in the 2019 federal election on October 21st.  Ontario’s HIV community has an important opportunity to let all candidates, parties and voters know that the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Canada requires strong federal leadership. Let your vote count for meaningful targets and investments in testing, treatment and a strong and well funded front-line response. We also need federal leadership to address the criminalization of non-disclosure and ensure a safe drug supply. So far, it seems to be a close election with no obvious outcome. This is a perfect opportunity to let your voice be heard

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Reconciliation and Action

Ontario’s HIV sector continues its conversation about our collective work towards Truth and Reconciliation. The Reconciliation Working Group composing six non-Indigenous AIDS service organizations: AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area, Elevate Northwest Ontario, The Gilbert Centre, the Ontario AIDS Network, Pasan, and Réseau Access Network, with support from Oahas, is working to provide guidance and tools for the sector on how to do the work of reconciliation. It’s the goal of this group to arrive at a consensus on what that work should look like, thus continuing the difficult work of reconciliation with Indigenous people in their communities. The Working

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Slay Stigma Tour

Have you heard about the Slay Stigma Canadian Drag Tour with Trinity K Bonet? The tour is fiercely challenging the stigma surrounding people living with HIV, demanding access to services, testing, and prevention, and educating people on U=U, PrEP and PEP. Go the their website to see if they are coming to a city near you, or for more information. You can get FREE TICKETS by visiting pozitivity.ca/slay-stigma-tour. For any other concerns please feel free to email pozitivity@ccgsd-ccdgs.org or direct message them on their Facebook page.

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Connected to Care

This week, the Ontario Ministry of Health announced a series of consultations with municipal governments and the public health and emergency health services sectors to strengthen and modernize public health and emergency health services. These consultations are meant to increase the consistency and equity of service delivery across the province and improve clarity and alignment of roles and responsibilities between the province, Public Health Ontario and local public health. This work is also meant to identify innovative practices and improve public health delivery. These consultations may be an important opportunity for people living with HIV and people involved in Ontario’s HIV sector to share their

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