
Our New Website Has Launched!

We are pleased to announce that our new website has officially launched. We believe that a great website is never truly finished. Our new website will become the launching point for many exciting new projects we will be rolling out in both the near and distant future. Some of our planned projects include, a private area for our Alumni participants to access the disclosure guide, and of course all of our upcoming workshop dates.

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Mourning the loss of our friend, Ken Buchanan

The Ontario AIDS Network, together with our partner organization, the Pacific AIDS Network is mourning the death of Ken Buchanan. Ken was a friend, mentor, and leader of many in the HIV /AIDS movement. Ken died of cancer in Vancouver on April 15th.  He had been HIV-positive since 2004 and was co-infected with hepatitis C. Ken made numerous and lasting contributions to the HIV/AIDS movement. He served for 7 years on the Executive of the Board of Directors of Positive Living BC, until he resigned in October 2012 due to health related concerns. He also served on the Board of Directors

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Election Message from OAN Governance Committee

Below are links to the list of OAN voting member agencies according to region as well as nomination forms for the seats up for election this year. It’s always nice to know who is in your region when discussing potential board nominations, as each regional caucus will have the responsibility to endorse candidates for election at the AGM. There is an At Large Designated seat vacant this year, so there is potential for all regional caucuses to put a PHA name forth from their region. The “Designated” seats are open to those people who are living with HIV and are

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Ontario AIDS Network Honour Roll 2012

The Honour Roll acknowledges the long-term and consistent contributions of individuals or organizations that use their experiences, skills, resources and voices to champion the cause of HIV/AIDS. Recipients will have contributed to reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, promoted the empowerment of People Living with HIV/AIDS, and extended the capacity of the community movement as a major response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ontario. The Honour Roll is divided into four awards; inducting one nominee annually, for the following categories: The Person with HIV/AIDS Leadership Award The Caregivers Award The Community Partners Award The Award for Social Justice

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Mourning the loss of our friend John Plater

John Plater, June 1, 1967 – July 28, 2012 It is with great sadness that we advise you of the death of John Plater on Saturday, July 28, 2012. John was a valiant champion in our fight against HIV/AIDS, HEP C, Co- infection and Hemophilia. He was 45. John was a lawyer by training and an activist by nature. He was open about his HIV positive status since the mid 1980s. For more than 25 years John provided dedicated and valiant leadership to improve the health of all of us. With his quiet determination and legal training, John opened many

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2012, the Year of GIPA in Ontario

To demonstrate our collective commitment to GIPA the principle of the “Greater Involvement of People with HIV/AIDS” the Ontario AIDS Network is partnering with people and organizations to recognize 2012 as the year of GIPA.Guiding our work is the newly proclaimed Ontario Accord on GIPA/MIPA which states, “We, people living with HIV/AIDS and allies in the community: Commit to the greater involvement and meaningful engagement of people living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA/MIPA); GIPA/MIPA puts PHAs at the centre and is grounded in human rights and the dignity of the full human being Aim to transform all who live with, work in,

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Mourning the loss of Patrick Truong

It is with great sadness that we advise you of the death of a beloved friend and member of our community, Patrick Truong. We are joining together with Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS) in mourning his loss and in honouring his life.  Patrick was respected by his many colleagues and friends in the AIDS movement. He lived with the challenges of HIV for 26 years and was one of the first members of the Asian community to be public about his status. Patrick was an advocate and caregiver who lived his life with kindness, courage, determination and generosity. In 2010 in

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The Ontario Accord

The Ontario AIDS Network has proclaimed 2012 as the year of the “Ontario Accord” on the Greater and More Meaningful involvement of People with HIV/AIDS in Ontario.  GIPA, the greater involvement of people with HIV/AIDS, has been a guiding principle of the HIV/AIDS movement for almost three decades. The Ontario Accord was created on July 29, 2011. It is one of the outcomes of the “Living and Serving 3” project, a series of consultations among HIV positive people and AIDS Service Organizations in Ontario. Organizations that have formally endorsed the Ontario Accord and have created a GIPA action plan for 2012

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Every Day is a Fight for Life

The Ontario AIDS Network is very concerned about Canada’s commitment to fighting AIDS at home and internationally. The Federal Initiative on HIV/AIDS provides $72.6 million in funding annually to Canada’s domestic and foreign response to HIV/AIDS. Included in this envelope of funding is the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Regional AIDS Community Action Program (ACAP), which provides $13.3 million worth of funding to community-based AIDS service organizations across Canada each year. These are the funding dollars within the Federal Initiative that are dedicated to supporting the ongoing work of HIV prevention, education and support on the front lines in your

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Jack Layton 1950-2011

Federal NDP leader Jack Layton died this morning (August 22, 2011) at his home in Toronto. It is with a profound sense of loss, that we join Canadians across the country who are mourning the death of the Honourable Jack Layton, the leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada. Mr. Layton was an ardent champion of gay and lesbian rights and a leading advocate who ensured that HIV/AIDS issues were a priority on the municipal agenda in Toronto and in Canada’s parliament. We will miss his leadership, his passion, his commitment to social justice and his humour.

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