
ACAS Statement on anti-Asian racism

The past few weeks have provided an opportunity for Ontario’s HIV sector to reflect on the realities of anti-Asian racism. It’s important that we stand in solidarity with Asian communities, speak out against anti-Asian racism, and reflect on long histories of anti-Asian racism in Canada. 

The OAN stands in solidarity with Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS), it partners and Ontario’s Asian communities who have been hurt by the murder of 8 individuals in Atlanta and a significant increase in explicit violence against Asians.

The Board of Directors of ACAS has issued a statement on Anti-Asian Racism found here. We urge all OAN members to endorse this statement. ACAS has also asked that community members and agencies endorse a Community Statement drafted by the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter and Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network). The Statement can be found here

As we continue to explore the ways that anti-racism work is an essential element of the HIV sector’s efforts, we call on our stakeholders to intentionally address anti-Asian, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous and other forms of racism in their work.

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