
Storytelling Through Photography – A Newcomer Journey

Are you a Convention refugee, permanent resident, or a new Canadian? If you answered yes, the Storytelling Through Photography project is for you.

The Photovoice Project is storytelling through photography. Participants will take and use photo images to capture aspects of their environment and experiences.

Details and How to Sign Up

  • A (7) seven-week workshop series.
  • From January 17 to February 28, 2022.
  • Email Kemar, kemarb@moyohcs.ca for times and more information.
  •  Click this link to register to participate in Photovoice https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XQB88QZ  (Please choose Newcomer Photovoice project from the list).
  • Open to residents of Brampton, Mississauga, and Caledon only.

See the Photo-voice Flyer for more information

Project Focus

  • Addressing the various health, social, and cultural needs of newcomers residing in Mississauga, Brampton, and Caledon.
  • Clients who are living with chronic diseases and/or identify as ACB (African, Caribbean, Black) LGBTQ+ Femme.
  • Substance users are eligible.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Use a camera.
  • Share your stories through photography with a weekly photo theme.
  • Meet and connect with new people.
  • Learn about newcomer services available to you free of charge.

Participants will get a certificate of completion and volunteer hours, and have their photos showcased in an exhibition.

Weekly Workshops Agenda:

  • January 17, Welcome Session
  • January 24, Introduction to Photography
  • January 31, Nutrition
  • February 7, Racism and Health
  • February 14, Employment
  • February 22, Mental Health
  • February 28, Photo Selection and Graduation


Email Kemar, kemarb@moyohcs.ca for times and more information.

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