2021 was another uncertain and difficult year for the OAN, our sector, and for many people living with HIV across the province. But our sector continued to adapt and deliver services, carrying out our work throughout an ever-changing COVID pandemic.
This year, the OAN and its members and partners have continued to share resources and create spaces where learning and connection can take place. We also continued to collaborate to ensure leadership and advocacy remain present in our values and in our work.
Alongside this year’s challenges, there were successes. Among the many accomplishments achieved in collaboration with the OAN’s collective members and affiliates, we include the 15-year anniversary of the Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) which has begun planning activities for the next five years into 2027. Also underway is the renewal of Living and Serving and the Ontario Accord which aim to re-invigorate and refine our sector’s commitments to GIPA and MEPA.
This year, the OAN engaged in numerous policy and advocacy projects as well as meetings with the Federal Minister of Health, COVID-19 vaccine advocacy, a federal election package and more. In 2022, our advocacy work will include outreach of federal Ministers to mobilize a multi-ministerial HIV response, as well as continued advocacy alongside our national partners to increase resources for community-based HIV/AIDS programs.
The work of the OAN over this past year would not have been possible without of our Advisory Committee of People Living with HIV, and the OAN Board of Directors which recently welcomed two new co-chairs: Claudia Medina, and Andre Goh. We thank the board and the advisory committee for their effort and commitment throughout another uncertain year.
The OAN also extends special thanks to our member agencies for their contributions to our collective network, and to you, our newsletter readers who share and engage with events, resources and updates all year long. Thank you.
This is our last newsletter of 2021. The OAN newsletter will return on January 10. In the meantime, the OAN team wishes our newsletter readers, members and affiliates, and our network partners a restful holiday season. See you in 2022.
The OAN Staff Team