
Launch – The Peel Integrated Drug Strategy!

MOYO Health and Community Services is pleased to launch the Peel Integrated Drug Strategy survey again, the survey is now available online! Hence, The Peel Integrated Drug Strategy is inviting you to participate in a survey to help inform the development of a drug strategy in Peel. This is a community-based project conducted by the Peel Integrated Drug Strategy. Combined survey responses will help build a community profile of substance use in Peel, identify needs, gaps, and inform drug strategy recommendations.

 What you need to know to participate:

  • The survey is for people who use drugs and live/work/play in the Region of Peel.
  • The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
  • For your voluntary participation in the survey, you will receive a $15 gift card as an honorarium.
  • In this survey, drugs/substances include the full range of psychoactive substances used in society including alcohol, cannabis, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, inhalants, and solvents.
  • The five groups of psychoactive drugs are stimulants, depressants, narcotics (e.g., opioids), hallucinogens, and cannabis.
  • Tobacco is not included as there are already well-established policies and strategies for this substance.

If you are interested in completing the survey please reach out to shradhappids@moyohcs.ca

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