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Solidarity Teams with Vikki Reynolds
In this workshop presented by ABRPO, OAN, Casey House we are going to address these questions: How can we build Solidarity Teams for our collective care and sustainability? How can we hold onto our solidarity and our fabulous and painful histories of joint struggle against multiple oppressions including Necropolitics & structural abandonment? How do we stay in dialogue, with respect, across time, without getting caught up in using power-over practices or re-enacting the abuses of power we are fighting against? How do we enact the analysis and justice-doing we want to create more of? How can we nurture ‘Cultures of Critique’, embrace hopeful skepticism and enact our collective ethics as social justice movements? When resisting powers that work to divide us, how do we enact collective accountability, embrace groundless solidarity and infinite responsibility, and co-create an ethical stance of believed-in hope?