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OAN, GMSH, and WHAI Complaint Process

This complaint process was created to support any person who has experienced harassment, discrimination, racism, bullying, violence and other unwanted behaviours from staff, volunteers or others in an OAN, GMSH, or WHAI space (in-person or virtually) to bring an issue forward and seek resolution where possible. The OAN includes the GMSH and WHAI and, as such, complaints related to each of these agencies can be submitted here.


Complaints are resolved on a
case-by-case basis. 

We are committed to speedy and transparent resolution of complaints. All complainants will receive an email confirmation indicating their complaint has been received within one (1) business day. Complainants will then receive a follow up communication within two to three (2-3) business days.

If you experienced discrimination, racism, bullying, violence and other unwanted behaviours by an OAN, GMSH, or WHAI staff, volunteer or other person in an OAN, GMSH, or WHAI space (in-person of virtually), first attempt to resolve the situation informally by:

  • Informing that person directly (in writing, by e-mail, telephone, or in person) as soon as possible that their behaviour and/or action(s) are unwelcome and should cease immediately.

Where attempts to achieve an informal and timely resolution are unsuccessful, or if you are unable to bring the matter directly to the attention of the person involved, a formal complaint may be filed.

As the trustee of the GMSH and WHAI, the OAN recognizes that not all complaints can be informally resolved and that it may be more appropriate to immediately submit a formal complaint.

The OAN is accountable to its members, affiliates, and stakeholders, and operates in a transparent manner. However, the OAN, the GMSH, and WHAI are not a governing or accrediting organization and, as such, do not have the authority to address or mediate complaints between agencies, or to resolve complaints about agencies.

Anyone who has experienced harassment discrimination, racism, bullying, violence and other unwanted behaviours while attending an OAN, GMSH, or WHAI event (in-person or virtually).

The information below details who you can submit a complaint about, and where your complaint will be directed after it is received.

  • If your complaint involves the conduct of OAN, GMSH, and WHAI staff, volunteers, or committee/working group members and you’ve been unable to informally resolve it, formal complaints will be directed to the OAN executive director, GMSH director, or WHAI director, as appropriate.
  • If your complaint involves an OAN board member or the OAN executive director, and you’ve been unable to informally resolve it, formal complaints will be directed to the co-chairs of the board of directors.
  • If your complaint involves a co-chair of the board, and you’ve been unable to informally resolve it, formal complaints will be directed to the OAN board executive committee.
  • If your complaint involves the conduct of other OAN, GMSH, or WHAI meeting participants, formal complaints will be directed to the appropriate executive director, or director.

Any staff, volunteer, board member, or meeting participant against whom the allegation is made shall not participate in discussions relating to the complaint, except as a respondent. Information related to your complaint will remain confidential and only the parties involved in the resolution of your complaint will have access to information.

How to submit a complaint

To facilitate timely initiation of a resolution process, we ask that complaints be submitted as soon as possible after an incident occurs.

When attempts at informal resolution are unsuccessful or not appropriate, you can submit a formal written complaint using the form below including the date and time, location, names of any witnesses, relevant documentation, and desired outcome.

Important notes:
All formal complaints must be submitted in writing.
The executive director, director, co-chairs or executive committee shall promptly acknowledge the receipt of the submitted formal complaint.


Following submission of a formal complaint, the OAN, GMSH, or WHAI will investigate the incident (i.e., gathering information and details concerning the issue/event). Next, the appropriate investigator (the executive director, co-chairs or executive committee) will respond promptly in writing to all parties confirming whether the complaint will go forward. If a complaint goes forward, the investigator will meet with the complainant to gather additional information as required. The subject of the complaint will be notified regarding the nature of the complaint. All individuals who submit a written complaint will receive a written response to their complaint.


Following investigation, the OAN (the executive director, co-chairs or executive committee), GMSH, or WHAI may choose to seek the support of an independent investigator or mediator to assist in resolution of a formal complaint. The decision to retain the services of an independent mediator/investigator will be at the discretion of the OAN, GMSH, or WHAI.

Formal Complaint Form

The complaint process exists to support any person who has experienced harassment, discrimination, racism, bullying, violence and other unwanted behaviours while attending an OAN, GMSH, or WHAI event (in-person or virtually) to bring a complaint forward and seek resolution. 

Privacy Policy 

The Ontario AIDS Network’s privacy policy is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect and use the personal information that is provided to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our site and our products. The information you provide will be treated as private and confidential.