Guidance for Ontario’s HIV Sector The 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action were a challenge to non-Indigenous Canadians to do better. It has led to a conversation that has filtered down to the Ontario HIV sector. The question facing our sector is: What should be the work of Reconciliation in our sector, and, more specifically, in our organizations? The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls has further challenged would-be allies to move from intentions to action. In October 2018, at the Ontario AIDS Network’s HIV Sector Leadership Symposium,
Read More →ANTI-BLACK RACISM PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS DECLARATION Our Decleration The Ontario AIDS Network (OAN) formally declares anti-Black racism a public health crisis within the HIV sector. This crisis continues to impede equitable delivery of the community-based HIV response across the province and obstructs the health and wellbeing of African, Caribbean, Black Latinx,and Black (ACB) people living in Ontario.Further, the OAN declares its commitment to compel health systems officials, local and provincial government, and leaders within the province’s health units, boards and systems to take this step forward and join the OAN in formally declaring anti-Black racism a public health crisis.
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